The original purpose of this short post was to provide a link to the official Police Department of the City of New York (PDNY) “Report & Analysis” of the incident which took the life of Patrolman Phillip Cardillo.
Countless articles, books and reports have more than covered the incident, yet justice is pending as the killer(s) of Ptl. Cardillo have yet to be brought to justice.
Since the time of the original post, several developments have taken place which required an update to the post.
Click on the link below to open the full report in .pdf format.
NYPD “Secret Internal Blue Book” – Incident Report
UPDATE July 2015
In honor of Patrolman Cardillo, a Police Launch (boat) was named in his honor. This was the first time that the NYPD officially recognized Ptl. Cardillo’s sacrifice and the dedication began to mend the open wounds that remain to this date.
NY Daily News Article on Launch Naming
UPDATE: October 2015
In yet another honor of the memory of Patrolman Cardillo, the street in front of the NYPD Police Academy was renamed “Ptl. Phillip Cardillo Way.” This tribute continued to heal the open wounds felt by the family, colleagues, and supporters and went a long way to recognizing the sacrifice of Pt. Cardillo. The ceremony was attended by family members, police officials, and police unions.
Click the links below to watch a video of the ceremony & for the NY Daily News’ Article:
Patrolman Phillip Cardillo Way – YouTube
NY Daily News Article on Street Naming
UPDATE: November 2017
On November 20, 2017, the NYPD dedicated a “Police Commissioner Benjamin Ward Memorial Library” in the NYPD Police Academy, located on “Patrolman Phillip Cardillo Way” in Queens.
In November 2017, a lawsuit was filed by Judicial Watch, Inc. to compel the NYPD to comply with two Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) requests in connection with this incident. One request is for the audio recording of the “10-13” Officer Needs Assistance telephone call to the NYPD that led to their response to the mosque. The second request is for records.
Stay tuned for further developments!
Click on the link to open the full legal document in .pdf format
Nov 2017 Cardillo Article 78 Judicial Watch Filing
UPDATE: March 2018
The Judicial Watch case is presently being heard in s courtroom. Follow the articles in the NY Post.
This article in the NY Post discusses the “Blue Book” which was discovered by NYPDHistory and shared with Judicial Watch, and Ret. Det. Jurgensen who had never seen it before it was shared with him here.
UPDATE: May 2018
On May 7, the Retired Detectives Association, represented by Judicial Watch, lost the case.
Judge Verna Saunders ruled in favor of the NYPD, accepting its argument that forty-six years later, the Cardillo murder investigation remains “open, active and ongoing.” Click here ->Cardillo Case Judicial Watch Update May 2018.pages to read Judicial Watch’s Statement on the court’s decision.
The link to the document is here NYPD “Secret Internal Blue Book” – Incident Report.
Please feel free to share the link to this blog post and “REMEMBER CARDILLO!“
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